“Get Instant Access To 43 ‘Do This & Do That’ Videos Guaranteed To End Your Newbie Days Forever!”


Monday 10th of February
From The Desk Of Bud Banis
Full Time Internet Marketer

Newbie Classes

Okay, so you've got high hopes for your internet business. You've seen all the fancy cars, the houses, the 'guru' launches, the proof of earnings, the events... you get it.

Yes people are making a full time income online. It's 2025 and these days it's become very common and the term 'internet marketing' has become widely accepted.

Whether you choose to blog your way to riches, review and recommend products, launch product after product, SEO-up your mini-sites, sell solo ads, or provide specialist services as a freelancer it's practically impossible NOT to make money online.

The Problem

But there is always one tiny little problem standing between you and finacial freedom.

You've done your research, you've studied all the business models out there and you've finally come to a decision on what you want to do.

You attempt to give it a go. You may buy eBooks, videos and software along the way but you're somehow stuck...

Can You Relate To Any Of This?

You want to start a blog but you're struggling to get WordPress to look and work the way you want it to.

You've managed to secure a very cool domain name, one that easily advertised offline, one that people would type into the address bar but you can't get it connected to your server.

You've spent ages writing your first sales letter and you want to get it online, but you're scared of using FTP and struggle to get files on your server and afraid that you'll just mess things up.

You love the idea of sending out an email to 1000s of people and watching the sales role in but you don't know how to build a list in the first place.

You've already registered for an Aweber or GetResponse account but you're overwhelmed by all the features and are put off from even using it... and still paying the monthly fee.

You want your site to appear on the first page of Google but you're clueless as how to boost your rankings the proper way and don't want to get your site banned from the search engines for link spamming.

You want to sell your very first product online but struggle to get a PayPal button created, or have know idea what to do with the code, or whether or not you've even set it up correctly to begin with.

You want to setup a sales funnel and have affiliates eager to promote your products but you're confused by all the settings in JVZoo, WarriorPlus and ClickBank.

The list goes on and on and I'm sure there's plenty more scenarios that are stopping you or at least slowing you down.

Here's The Truth

You're not alone.

Not everyone is making $100s or $1000s a day online. In fact this represents only a small percentage of the online community.

The majority of marketers are in EXACTLY the same position as you.

They're frustrated by all the technical roadblocks and just want to get things done but don't have the time, skills or ability and certainly can't afford the luxury of one-on-one coaching either.

This is where our simple and easy-to-follow videos step in.

Introducing Newbie Classes!

43 Essential Lessons They Didn't Teach You In School!

Right now you can get your hands on 43 over-the-should powerful training videos that show you exactly what you need to do.

Learn at your own pace, watch the videos you want, skip, pause, and rewind the information you need and apply your new found knowledge.

Each video is only a few minutes long so you can sift through the information quickly without having to go through hours of boring lectures like many traditional training videos.

Not only is this the best way to learn, but it saves you time and makes sure you stay productive. There's nothing worse than floundering around looking for tid-bits of information that doesn't give you accurate information.

Here's a detailed look at what's inside this course...

Module #1 - Registering With GoDaddy

Registering a good domain name is will be one of the first and most important steps to starting your business. With a well chosen domain name people can guess what your site is about without having to read any of the content.

This module goes through the process of setting up a domain name with GoDaddy.

How to link your domain to your web hosting account - This is an essential step after you've bought your domain. Watch this video to see how to get your domain live.

How to create a domain redirect - If you've moved your website or want to temporarily redirect traffic to another page then creating a domain redirect an effective way to do this. Watch this video to see how it's done.

Module #2 - Registering With NameCheap

If you're into niche marketing, a carefully choosen keyword-rich domain name can make your SEO life easier!

Not only will visitors see the keyword of your domain bold in the search engine results page, but the search engines will class your site as highly relevant content and position you higher in the results page.

This module goes through the process of setting up a domain name with NameCheap.

How to configure your DNS with NameCheap - In order to use any third party domain name you need to setup your domain name server (DNS). This will tell the web which server to connect to in order to display your site.

How to create a forwarding URL - Similar to creating a domain redirect, if you have a sub-directory that you'd like to redirect to another URL then this is one of the best ways to do it.

Module #3 - Hostgator cPanel Setup

How to create an email account with HostGator webhost - In this video we'll log into HostGator's cPanel and create a new email account. This is great for creating a support email and looks professional when displayed on your website as opposed to a free email account.

How to create an email forwarder - Got multiple email addresses and want to direct them all to one place? Then setting up an email forwarder is your best answer. Not only does it keep everything organized but it's a great time-saver too and prevents you from having to log into multiple email accounts.

How to configure your 404 error page - You've seen pages like this before. You click a link, and 'oops the page you're looking for is not here...' message appears. Why not monetize this traffic by sending them to an offer or squeeze page instead? Watch this video to see how it's done.

How to create redirect links - In this video we'll show you how to create links that automatically redirect to another site. This is great for cloaking affiliate links or to direct traffic to another location discreetly.

How to create protect folders and directories - If you're selling products online or selling membership access and host content on your server, you've probably stored your products in a folder called 'files' or 'downloads' or 'members' or similar. The only problem is, it doesn't take much for someone to enter that URL and see all your files. This video shows you how to prevent this from happening and can save you a lot of lost sales.

How to create a MySQL database - In this video we'll show you how to setup a MySQL database from within your HostGator cPanel. Databases are needed for server-side software such as membership scripts, tell-a-friend scripts, multi-product ClickBank scripts, conversion tracking scripts and much more. No more paying for a techie, learn to do it yourself with this essential video.

Module #4 - FTP With Filezilla

How to log into your hosting account with Filezilla - Using FTP software can seem scary especially if you're just starting out and you're just comfortable with using WordPress. Once you see how easy it to use you'll realize that you have way more control and uploading files with it will become second nature.

How to upload and delete files with Filezilla - This video will show you the basics of uploading and deleting files on your server. Any time you need to install software, upload a website, edit a sales letter on-the-fly, manually save your blog, backup your work and more you'll need to know the ins and outs of FTP. Watch this video to see how simple this is.



Module #5 - How To Use Aweber

How to create a new list in Aweber - Discover how to create a new listname within your Aweber account which will lay the foundation to help you build a subscriber database. This is the first step towards list building.

How to create a sign-up form - A lead-capture form is essential if you want people to subscribe to your newsletter. If you've never used Aweber and struggle using the system then watch this video and find out exactly what to do.

How to schedule follow-up emails - One of the best features of building a list is being able to automate the process of sending out emails. Of course the theory sounds great but it's another thing to master the art of email follow-ups that turn your subscribers into buyers. This video shows you how.

How to create a broadcast email - With time and experience you will get to a point in your business where you're able to create products faster than the rate of new subscribers entering your list. So instead of placing a follow-up email at the end of your queue you can send out an immediate email instead.

How to create an automation rule - To keep control over your list and know how's bought what and who's interested in what offer, automation rules are essential. Watch this video to see how to use them effectively with Aweber.

How to remove unresponsive subscribers - There's nothing worse than having tens of thousands of people on your mailing list and only a few hundred reading your emails. The last thing you want is to pay for those unresponsive leads. Watch this video to see how to remove them permanently from your Aweber account and reduce your monthly costs as well.

Module #6 - How To Use GetResponse

How to create a new list in GetResponse - Just like Aweber, GetResponse requires you to create a new list so you can build a database of subscribers. The interface is completely different to Aweber so watch this video to see how it's done.

How to create a web form - GetResponse has a cool feature in their web form that checks to see if an email is valid before it is accepted onto your list. Watch this video to see how to create a new one from scratch and build a clean list.

How to schedule auto-responder emails - When you have a handful of products and affiliate offers in place, you can prepare emails for them in advance and schedule them to get sent to your subscribers weeks in advance. Watch this video to see how.

How to create a newsletter - Imagine you gained 500 new leads from a solo ad and you want to test to see if you new product or affiliate offer converts. Do you wait until they've passed through your autoresponder emails? No. You send out a newsletter right away to get a good ROI. This video shows you how.

How to create an automation rule - To keep control over your list and know how's bought what and who's interested in what offer, automation rules are essential. Watch this video to see how to use them effectively with GetResponse.

How to remove unresponsive subscribers - There's nothing worse than having tens of thousands of people on your mailing list and only a few hundred reading your emails. The last thing you want is to pay for those unresponsive leads. Watch this video to see how to remove them permanently from your GetResponse account and reduce your monthly costs as well.

Module #7 - Selling Products With PayPal

How to create a PayPal buy now button - One of the quickest and easiest ways of accepting payments online is with a PayPal account. This video shows you how to setup a simple payment button that you can place on your website and start collecting sales immediately.

How to create a subscription button - Starting a membership? Then a subscription payment is just what you need. You can set the number of recurring payments, the frequency of payments, whether or not to include a trial period plus much more. All these are essential for running a long term successful business. Watch this video to see how easy it is to set up.

How to add your payment button to your web page - A payment button is no good unless it's live on your website. What this video to see how to get the button code and paste it correctly into your web page with a HTML editor.

Module #8 - Selling Products With JVZoo

How to add a product to the JVZoo marketplace - JVZoo is still relatively new to the online marketing scene but has tones of active buyers and affiliates waiting for your offer. Watch this video to see how to add your product to the marketplace for maximum exposure.

How to create a JVZoo buy button - Once your PayPal account is connected to your JVZoo account you're all set to create JVZoo payment buttons. This allows affiliates to promote your offer and customers to receive a transaction email of their purchase and know of your other products.

How to create a sales funnel - JVZoo has a cool feature that allows you to sell multiple products to your customer one after the other. With standard PayPal buttons and HTML pages this can get a little confusing to pull off but with the help of JVZoo and this video we make things a piece of cake.

Module #9 - Selling Products With Warrior Plus

How to add a product to the Warrior Plus marketplace - The Warrior Forum is a great place to launch your products. The forum is full of buyers who will spend anything from a $7 report to a $4997 product creation service. Watch this video to see how to add your first product to the Warrior Plus marketplace.

How to get your buy button code - The Warrior Plus allows you to create dynamic payment buttons which deliver transaction receipts to your customers and allow affiliates to promote for you. This video shows you how to create and get your payment button code which can then be added to a WSO or your own web page.

How to setup a sales funnel - The Warrior Plus has an excellent feature that allows you to sell multiple products to your customer. When done right this can double, triple, even quadruple your products instantly! This video shows you how to setup a multi-level sales sequence with Warrior Plus.

Module #10 - Selling Products With ClickBank

How to add a product to ClickBank - ClickBank is another excellent platform to start selling your products. Watch this video as we log into our ClickBank account and submit a new product ready for approval.

How to create a payment link - ClickBank's method for creating payment buttons is a little different from JVZoo and WarriorPlus. This video will explain the link format they use and how to add it into your web page.

How to setup a sales funnel - As you're starting to see now, there's a trend between all these networks. Selling multiple products through a sales funnel is becoming commonplace because it works. This video shows you how to set one up using ClickBank's system.


Module #11 - Blogging With WordPress

How to manually install WordPress - Whilst you can setup your WordPress blog with a 'one-click' feature in your cPanel, it's good to know what is really happening behind the scenes so you know how to fix things when something goes wrong. This video takes you through the simple process of setting up a new WordPress blog from scratch, from downloading the files from the official site, uploading them back to your server, creating a MySQL database, editing files, running the install file and more.

How to optimize your WordPress setup - After you've installed your WordPress blog, there are some simple tweaks you need to do to make it even more SEO friendly, block out spam, and even faster to run. This video shows you exactly what you need to do.

How to add clean redirect links - If you're promoting affiliate products from within a post or page you're more than likely going to need to cloak your affiliate links. This video shows you how to create friendly-looking redirect links that make your readers feel safe clicking them. This one tip alone can significantly boost your affiliate commissions!

How to install WordPress plugins - Easy to some, but difficult if you've never done it before. There are many customizations and addons for your blog which you will eventually fine-tune yourself. This video shows you how to find new plugins, install them, activate them and how to access them from within your admin panel.

How to improve your posts with Yoast SEO plugin - The best way to get free traffic from the search engines is to write content based around your keyword. The Yoast SEO plugin helps you create SEO-friendly posts so you can see what needs to be improved before your post is live. This video gives you a quick demo of how to use this powerful plugin.

Module #12 - Simple SEO Techniques

How to optimize your on-page SEO - All factors such as your title, content, keywords, text links, meta descriptions and more from within your website contribute to good on-page SEO. This video shows you how to get the most from your search engine rankings by ensuring all your on-page SEO elements are in check using the Yoast plugin.

How to optimize your off-page SEO - All factors such as the quality of in-bound links from other sites, the number of in-bound links, the content on others linking to you, the page ranking factor and more contribute to good off-page SEO. This video gives you a quick overview of how to maximize your search engine rankings through off-page SEO.




Watch Samples Below

With The Right Training You Too Can Achieve Results Like This!

A typical screenshot of daily sales flooding our inbox just from the JVZoo alone.

When you can do all the basic tasks like set up a domain, upload files to your server, create PayPal buttons, build a list, get traffic and more, it won't be long before you'll be pulling in sales day after day.

Without this FUNDAMENTAL knowledge it's going to be almost impossible to make real money online. You'll be plodding along at the pace of a snail with only a false sense of hope to keep you going.

Be smart. Don't try to do everything yourself. Take action now, invest in yourself and speed up your success!

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You're now one step closer to building an online business that you've always wanted. Newbie Classes was created by marketers for marketers so you're getting REAL training that you need and refer back to time and time again.

When you invest in this course today you're backed by a ‘No Like No Buy’ guarantee. If you feel that these 43 videos did not help you in anyway then send us an email requesting for a full and prompt refund.

How can we make such a confident guarantee? Simple. Firstly because we know that these videos are packed full of value - stuff that they don't teach you in school and secondly because we were once in your shoes and know what it's like to go through this steep learning curve.

You're getting access to the exact information we needed years ago but had to learn ourselves the hard way. Order now in complete confidence and we'll deliver this course to you immediately.

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Newbie Classes

Yours In Success & Profit!
Bud Banis

P.S. Remember every unproductive wasted day that goes by is time that you could have invested wisely into your online business.

People are actively typing in Google looking for your product or service RIGHT NOW! Just think how many potential sales and clients you're missing out just by not having your site finished!

Order now to stop missing out on sales!

We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success nor is this a guarantee of ways to make money online. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services. ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware corporation. Newbie Classes is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any Newbie Classes product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by Newbie Classes in the materials on this Web page.